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2020 Year 6 Work Project

600 Volunteer Hours Donated

Project Zones: Blue Pool Bypass, Okanogan-Wenatchee

On hold due to Covid.

600 Volunteer Hours Donated 

Project Zones: Willamette and Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forests

Project Map:


2.1 Mile Blue Pool Bypass Completed under a Challenge Cost Share Agreement with the United States Forest Service

Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition

Over the past 3 years, ourselves, along with a number of incredible volunteers from around the state have successfully founded the Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition (OMBC). OMBC connects Oregons Mountain Bike Advocates from around the state and allows for idea sharing, collaboration, and coherent messaging from the mountain bike community.

Words from Adam Craig

“So glad to share that the Blue Pool bypass is open! For the last year, we’ve been quietly working on providing a solution to the incredible demand for access to this stunning geological formation. A crystal clear spring is certainly a worthwhile day hike destination, and it’s great that over a thousand people per day use the fabled Mckenzie River trail to access this amazing place. But, it’s difficult to bike this section of the MRT with such heavy day use. As Trans Cascadia has been doing a lot of trail maintenance in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, we were approached to manage an RTP Grant to build 2.1 miles of new, Mountain Bike specific trail through this beautiful Belknap Lava Flow. In order to provide the best trail experience, Trans Cascadia enlisted Dirt Mechanics to provide the MTB building expertise, supported by some serious Forest Service and Youth Corps crew time. The final product is a work of art. Come enjoy it. While you’re in the Mckenzie valley, consider donating to Holiday Farm Fire relief, mere miles downriver needs your help.“ - Adam Craig @an_adamcraig

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